вторник, 4 августа 2020 г.


You have to close the software, disconnect the audio interface, switch the jumper to the play position and relaunch the software!!! The output of my Acer laptop sounds much better!! The latency isn't the best, but even with more expensive USB interfaces you won't get better results when working with a DAW. I'm happy with being able to get in and out 24Bits. I also make music with Logic and FL studio. I don't like the fact that you have to set the sampling rate before you turn on the computer or plug the audio interface. Log in Become a member.
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To use that I 'did electronic music ' s effective trs.

Edirol by Roland USB Audio Interface Ua-1ex | eBay

The audio interface is quite comprehensive and it is one of the few models in this price range that provides digital inputs and outputs. I hsiter remake that choice without a second.

Very practical for monitoring and recording simultaneously correct quality trs. Our members also liked: The latency isn't the best, but even with more expensive USB interfaces you won't interfxce better results when working with a DAW.

Write a user review Ask for a user review. Sort by most recent most useful. Its price tag is very appealing. I don't like the fact that you have to set the integface rate before you turn on the computer or plug the audio interface.

Edirol by Roland USB Audio Interface Ua-1ex

Plastic and assembly are really Camelott, but ahdio 89 EUR The setting is very easy. Regret is the optical minijack the toslink would have been more convenient. Request a new review. The RCA outputs deliver a good sound definition, especially at 96 kHz where the soundcard really excels. It's better to disable all other USB devices if possible when you use the unit to avoid any problems.

You have to close the software, disconnect the audio interface, switch the jumper to the play position and relaunch the software!!! I'm happy with being able to get aueio and out 24Bits.

Log in Become a member. What I like most: Hence it is important to set the level of the source correctly for recording.

The user's manual is ok. You have a knob to set the level. Therefore you also have to disconnect the unit to change its sample rate. The sound of the headphone output is very bad, especially at loud volumes, the signal has no dynamics and you can hear distortion in the low-mid range.

I wouldn't buy it again, although it's ok to record high-level sources.

All user reviews for the Edirol UA-1EX

The lowest latency with Logic is 9 ms, which is barely ok for real-time applications. Did you find this review helpful? Cookies help us improve performance, enhance user experience and deliver our services.

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I remake the same choice again. Not satisfied with those reviews? It is also wise to configure Windows so that it gives priority to background tasks and to disable all graphic effects, etc. The recording and playback quality is rather good.

Edirol AudioCapture Ua-1x External USB Audio Interface Adapter | eBay

J register with Harmand kardon amp via the analog numrique as a warrior innterface I can 'one rsultat I don' t dare call L even if the purists will say it is better q'il are billions of possibilities that s' open with such a tool in my configuration.

Go with a Firewire for that.

Once you try to reduce this value you'll start to have serious problems.

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You have to close the software, disconnect the audio interface, switch the jumper to the play position and relaunch the software!!! The outp...